Monday, September 07, 2009

Autumn blues

Now that I've fully enjoyed New England's five weeks of summer, I can start to look forward to the spoils of fall. And with each fall comes a wild card for the Red Sox, fantasy football, and my favorite brew of the year Sam Adams Octoberfest.

It's been available for about two weeks in Boston (and I even spotted it in late August in Reno, Nev., of all places). I've been able to enjoy it a couple times now -- twice out and once yesterday at a Labor Day weekend barbecue.

Oddly, Sam October might be the only beer I find superior in a bottle, as opposed to draught. Draft Octoberfest has an oily feel and an overpowering nose, but in the bottle it's just right.



Blogger Jerry Zezima said...

What's wrong with an overpowering nose? I've had one for years.

September 07, 2009  
Anonymous nakedmac said...

There's nothing good about Sam products, even in October. I am enjoying a tasty New Belgium (you know, the bicycle beer people) Hoptober. But their brews are quite rare east of the Mississippi. Mmmm fall beer.

September 24, 2009  

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