Friday, April 27, 2007

Totally true tales (illustrated ed.)

A drunken German needed a respite, so he parked his horse in a bank vestibule. If you think I'm making this up, then look at this photographic evidence:

This is the cover of a real, actual book. Inside, find the answers to your burning questions, like "I’ve never changed a baby’s diaper before. How do I 'swab the poop deck?'"

In other news, I'm a better dancer than the President. Or I'm at least no worse than he is.



Blogger Jerry Zezima said...

Ahoy, matey! Here's the poop on my pal Tim Bete, author of "Guide to Pirate Parenting." He's a good guy and a funny writer. We all have to change our kids' diapers when they're young, but they'll never do it for us when we're old. What will we do then? Depends.

April 27, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Guten Morgen! Here's "das poop" on that German in the vestible. He's the town drunk and the bastard son of a Buchenwald guard. Unable to come to grips with his family's dark history, he now finds solace in the bottle. What does his only friend (shown in the picture) do to help her troubled friend? Nag till she's hoarse.

April 27, 2007  

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