Monday, April 16, 2007

And that brings us to tonight's word

It's been a couple of months since I've invented a word. Unhappy that newsmerized, eddiction, and screensdropping haven't caught on, I'm ready now for my next attempt.


This would be a person who's obsessed with wikipedia, the open encyclopedia that anyone can edit. The word describes someone who spends their days and nights creating their own entries, editing others' submissions, and policing wiki vandals.

I tried to create a wikipedia entry for it (above left), but was rebuffed.

Speaking of wiki vandals, a friend who comments on the blog as K-Don (or did, back when he used to comment) defaced the entry for NaturalBlog hero Bob Barker. He turned Bob from an "American television actor" into a "Bolivian marsupial."

It was about two days before a wikipedophile ruined the fun.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is Barker really an actor, aside from his "Price is wrong b--ch line in 'Happy Gilmore?'" Is there an entry for "Most amazing game show host ever?"

April 16, 2007  

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