Friday, April 06, 2007


I'm sure this is something most people can identify with. One minute, you're out at a bar watching a game with some friends, and the next thing you know you've bowled five games (including a personal best 151) and you're debating whether the tall guy in the next lane is Celtics swingman Paul Pierce (it was).

This sort of day makes me thing of one thing and one thing only, and that's The Dude.



Blogger Jerry Zezima said...

Dave, you didn't have your personal best the day we bowled (I'll spare other bloggers the gory details), and Paul Pierce obviously had something better to do, like lead the Celtics to another loss, but you did kick my ass in pool.

April 06, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

zez- strange that naturalbl0g wouldn't have bowled well. He is usually excellent at stationary sports. (He likes to call these leisure sports.) He always handles me pretty well in the likes of darts, mini golf, bowling, stuff that doesn't involve running (although tennis is an exception)...Wait a second....maybe I really suck.

April 06, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice picture, by the way.

April 06, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Despite his success at stationary sports, Dave is not the Loser Bowl Champion. THAT'S RIGHT...I AM THE BIGGEST LOSER!!!

Today's word: kleeown

April 06, 2007  

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