Thursday, June 21, 2007

Long Overdue Props, Vol Lucky 7

It's taken me a long time to come around on Red Sox pitcher Julian Tavarez, and an even longer time for me to give him the props he so sorely deserves.

How do I prop thee? Let me count the ways.

Could it be your footwear? Your friendship with our enigmatic slugger? Your childhood ambition?

I can't say for certain. Maybe it's just the way you roll.

Whatever the reason, I am glad to finally give you your long overdue props.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank goodness the baseball thing worked out. Those shoes rock, though.

June 21, 2007  
Blogger Sebastian Dangerfield said...

Aside from being the best damn 5th starter in the show and a legit 3 or 2 dogg on many teams, Tavarez grasps higher truths. Sometimes you have to throw that punch. Sometimes you have to execute that karate kick.

June 21, 2007  

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