Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Vous etes le decider: French Edition

Say what you will about the French, but they do have a better sense for the dramatic than Americans. Vanguished socialist presidential candidate Segolene Royal is splitting up with her long-time live-in, Francois Holland. Holland is also the head of the Socialist Party in France.

They have four children together, never married, and recently were sniping at each other's public policies.

Am I alone in wishing the Clintons were this exciting?



Blogger Sebastian Dangerfield said...

The real problem here is, of course, the fact that Ségolène is so much better looking than Hillary. I will refrain from quoting Colonel Jessup, but I will post this link.

June 20, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If winning the French presidency were decided by which candidate has the best legs she'd be in office right now.

June 20, 2007  

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