Monday, May 29, 2006

What do these men have in common?

These are the "celebrities" (who knew that category included late members of the Third Reich?) who look most like me -- at least according to this clever little web site, which shows the lengths that facial recognition software still has to go.

I suppose it's nice they don't make distinctions based on race, but Hidetoshi Nakata? I guess the site somehow knew I played left midfielder for the Morehead High School fighting panthers.

Of course, it would be more helpful if I showed you a picture of myself, but that would ruin the anonymity I've worked so hard to protect. Plus it's probably more fun for you to imagine a composite of these men:



Anonymous Anonymous said...

im embarassed that i tried this ;) but anyways, my top three celebrity matches are: shirley temple, marcia cross and britney spears. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. so i'm a child star-turned-desperate housewife who likes to show skin and pop out multiple babies with a white trash husband. sweet.

May 30, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

DO NOT argue with this site .. my #1 match is Jessica Alba. It actually made my week.

May 30, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am NOT embarrassed to admit I tried this :)I got Helen Hunt (and strangers tell me I look like her all the time, so I would have been disappointed had I not gotten her), Pat Benetar (which is AWESOME!), Liza Minelli (whom everyone says my mom looks like), and this chick

June 03, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I tried it with a different pic. I got Helen Huny and the German actress again, but now also including Judy Garland in leiu of her mom

June 03, 2006  

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