Friday, August 04, 2006

Keep it in the family, Conrad

I saw an ad in The Economist the other day (see how nonchalantly I work in there that I read The Economist?) with a call for nominations for the 2007 Conrad N. Hilton $1,500,000 Humanitarian Prize.

The foundation wants help identifying those who have "made extraordinary contributions toward alleviating human suffering, whatever its cause."

I think this is a real no brainer, so I'm pleased to nominate Conrad N. Hilton's granddaughter Paris Hilton for the Hilton Humanitarian Prize.

I can think of no one who has done more to alleviate human suffering, like when she patched it up with that skinny girl to do another season of that show, or when she made that tape on the Internet that I heard about.

Plus, I think we all know she could really use the money -- she dresses like a bag lady and is apparently rummaging through people's trash these days:

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