Tuesday, August 08, 2006

George Michael, rethought

I'll admit (proudly?) that I like George Michael. But a fresh listening to the 9th track from his 1987 smash hit album Faith, "Kissing a Fool," makes me realize that only a fool wouldn't have realized he was gay, even back then.

There's a hint as the song opens "You listened to people/Who scared you to death, and from my heart."

But then he really makes it clear in the third stanza:

But remember this/Every other kiss
That you ever give/Long as we both live
When you need the hand of another man
One you really can surrender with
I will wait for you/Like I always do
There's something there/That can't compare
With any other.

I mean, that's pretty obvious. Of course, I was nine when this album came out, so all my attention, understandably, was devoted to figuring out "I Want Your Sex."

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Anonymous Anonymous said...


And I also think that GM's rise to fame in the mid-80's was the first time that the 'gay look' went mainstream and became commercially viable.


August 08, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

NB, you are a true Renaissance Man. The Economist one day, George Michael the next. You make everything cool - again.

August 08, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh George Michael...oh that album...

I can vividly remember rocking out to my favorite song, Faith, when I was 5 years old in my Mom's car.

I haven't been able to listen to that beige tape and its rattling screws for some time. THSHMZ has no tape player.

That SO doesn't hum...

August 08, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is like that moment when I realized the true meaning behind my favorite childhood song, "Papa Don't Preach." You mean her baby isn't her boyfriend????

It also crushed my 6-year-old dream of dating a guy in an "Italians Do It Better" T-shirt.

August 08, 2006  

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