Tuesday, June 26, 2007

You are the Decider: The line between fact and fiction

Actor Sam Waterston of Law & Order, the fictional underling but real-world coworker of former Senator/former actor/current presidential candidate Fred Thompson, is pushing for a third party candidate to win the 2008 election. (He hasn't said which one(s)).

Waterston is with a group called Unity '08 and said the other day that the race this time around is "unlike any in almost 100 years."
The basic thing to insist on is that the system for choosing is broken, and that the people who have helped this system to evolve to the place that it is today are not well-placed to clean it up.
Can't you just hear him saying something so inspiring in front of a fictional judge and jury, before the trademark Law & Order "Bong-bong" noise sounds and the jury foreman reads a guilty plea?

I'm just worried that with actors in politics and politics in acting, I'm going to get confused about what's really real, really fake, and fake-looking but real.

And that has me thinking, should I go ahead and buy that robot insurance from Old Glory?



Blogger Jerry Zezima said...

Instead of voting for an actor who plays a lawyer, why not vote for a lawyer who was played by an actor? In this case, the actor is dead but the lawyer isn't. That could be an advantage, especially in Chicago on Election Day and in Washington every day. My vote goes to Perry Mason. And speaking of cases, he never lost one. Can our indicted, soon-to-be-indicted and deserve-to-be-indicted leaders, many of whom are lawyers in real life, say the same?

June 26, 2007  

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