Vegan skin
For a lot of guys, it was 1995 when they first fell in love with Alicia Silverstone, thanks to the great commercial success of Clueless. For me, it was 1993's The Crush. Never before (nor since) have I wanted to be Cary Elwes so much.
The answer came this week, when PETA unveiled Silverstone as a new spokeswoman. In this Internet ad she emerges naked from a pool to tell us she's a vegetarian. She's actually a vegan, but that's too hard a sell, even from a naked girl.
Nice production values there, but there's not a whole lot more skin shown than in 1993. Nudity? As if.
Labels: Celebrities, Mrs. NaturalBlog
That, in some way, reminds me of the "Look at my striped shirt" website. "I'm Alicia Silverstone and I'm a vegetarian... it's so amazing!"
I would donate to PETA were she to do full frontal.
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