Monday, June 04, 2007

It feels good to be sore

It's hard for even me to believe that I ran a 5K yesterday, though I suppose it's less surprising if I tell you it was part of the "Pub Series" of races in the Boston area.

Even more shocking is that I beat my personal best for that distance, despite a complete and total lack of training. I finished at 33:30, about three minutes ahead of my pace the last time I ran three miles, of 36+ minutes.

That 36+ time was waaaaaaaay back in 1992, when I was 14 and had to run three miles in the final preseason practice for my soccer team. Who knew present-day NaturalBlog (5'9" 175 lbs.) could beat youthful NaturalBlog (5'3" 153 lbs.)? I'm shocked. Shocked!

But will it stick? Who knows. For what it's worth, I rode my bike to work this morning.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

The youthful naturalbl0g was 5'3", 153 pounds? No wonder you beat him.

June 04, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice shoe pic. Someone really awesome must have inspired that idea--since we all know you're too lazy to come up with your own. But seriously, nice job on the 5K. You'll be running marathons before you know it...

June 04, 2007  

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