Kevin Youkilis apparently engaged to Enza Sambataro
I'd known for a while that Red Sox first baseman Kevin Youkilis (.405 lifetime BA in the playoffs) was romantically linked to former Ben Affleck flame Enza Sambataro.
I hardly even recognized Enza from her time as the better half of "Benza." Gone is the overdone eyeshadow and gratuitous burberry. Presumably her bad driving record is still intact.
Every other time I've mentioned Kevenza on the NaturalBlog, I've gotten some hate-filled comments about Enza. I'm interested in what today's post will wrought.
P.S. If you're person whose name is Kevenza and you googled yourself again (7th item), welcome back.
Labels: Enza
OK, so it's not like Enza is Giselle, but she looks pretty good in that picture. And Youkilis is a troll. A TROLL, I say. How are they engaged?
Ain't saying she's a gold digger ... but she ain't messin' with no broke actors/car scions/baseball players.
Youk looks like a bouncer at a Dorchester gay bar in this picture.
Enza to Kevin: "I love yoooooooou"
I don't know who BIFF TANNEN is, but THAT is a clever comment. Nice work.
When youks career is done. She'll be done with him!! She'll need MO' MONEY baby!!!
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