Wednesday, March 18, 2009

To the moon

The discovery of a planet called Fomalhaut b, which is located in the middle of that picture but is not visible because it's so small, has me thinking about the final frontier.

Like most little kids, I wanted to be an astronaut. As I got older, I started to realize there would be a lot of challenges on that career path -- I'd have to be in the military, which would likely mean attending one of the Academies, which would require four years of P.E. in high school. A lot of sacrifice, and I haven't even mentioned that I'd need to cultivate 80s hair.

Instead I somehow ended up as a liberal media stalwart.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

It can't beat that Easter meat , cheese and egg pie known as Pizza Rustica .Give me your opinion.

March 18, 2009  

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