News Roundup. Boys Rule, Girls Drool Edition
They'll take their balls and go home. There was no surprise in a new study that said the Massachusetts workforce is shrinking. That's what unreasonable housing costs will do. But there was this finding: more men are giving up looking for work, in part because the growth sectors are in fields traditionally dominated by women -- health, retail and service jobs. What we need in Mass. is a boom in men jobs, like professional beer drinking and maybe burping.
And finally. A restaurant called the Heart Attack Grill has angered nurses, who say the skimpy nurse outfits worn by the busty waitstaff are an insult to the profession. You think they'd be happy, since the 8,000-calorie Quadruple Bypass Burger is sure to help drum up business.
Labels: News Roundup
Sure, she's a chick and all, making the research more viable, but notice Dr. Louann Brizendine's frumpy outfit and old maid specs. How can I believe a girl scientist that dresses like a geek? And oxtocin? If your going to make up a hormone, try better than just reversing two letters in the BPD's drug of choice
Whoa, wait a minute .... man jobs ... beer drinking, burping .... don't I already get paid to do that??
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